Benjamin D. Pischke High School Mathematics
Thank you for visiting my web page today. Feel free to look around. I am really excited about this school year. For those of you who don't know me, I am in my eighteenth year here at Grand Meadow Schools. I graduated from Triton High School and from Minnesota State University, and my masters degree from Saint Mary's University. I am typically at school between 6:15am and 4:00pm. I am, however, a team leader in the High School, 8th Adviser, morning weight room supervisor and Data Coordinator so there may be times when I am in the building much longer than that, or not available. If you would like to meet with me outside of that time frame please let me know at least two school days in advance and I will work something out. If you are looking for my classroom information please check here, my Google classroom or check infinite campus for upcoming assignments, missed assignments or upcoming exams. If you have any questions for me please feel free to contact me. The best way to get a hold of me is through e-mail. There is a link to my e-mail on this page but it is
Google Codes
AP Calc 1st Period r3u3i5y
Algebra I 2nd Period y4thea4
Algebra I 3rd Period efuoiyz
ACT Prep 4th Period odzrhlk
Algebra II 5th Period jto2ast
Algebra II 6th Period mv6tl3i