Concert Information

Concert Dress

Elementary Band (5th and 6th Grade)

Ladies: Nice shirt, nice pants or skirt, and nice shoes.

Gentlemen: Nice shirt, nice pants, and nice shoes.

JH & HS Bands
  1. Black Top or Dress
  2. Black dress pants, dress, or a black skirt that is at least at the knee while seated. Avoid Leggings
  3. Black socks or Nylons.
  4. Black shoes, preferably dress shoes. 

JH & HS Pep Band

Dress in Grand Meadow's school colors Purple and White. If outside wear clothing that is appropriate for the weather, but allows you to play your instruments.

​Please use your best decision making skills when selecting clothing. We want to look our best and limit distractions. If you are unsure, please bring it in to ask my opinion.