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Sue Wilson - English
I grew up in Southwestern Ohio before moving to Iowa in 2008. I taught in Iowa from Fall 2008-Spring 2013, I taught in Texas from Fall 2013-Spring 2015, and I have taught at Grand Meadow since Fall 2015. I have my Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in English from Marietta College in Ohio, my Masters of Education with an Emphasis in English from Southwest Minnesota State University, and an additional 18 credit hours of Communications from Minnesota State University - Moorhead. The courses I teach at Grand Meadow include English I, American Literature, World Literature, and the College Now courses English 151 (Academic Writing), Literature 120 (Human Diversity), and Communications 110 (Public Speaking). 

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email or stop-in during my available hours. I am available before school from 7:45-8:00 AM, and after October I will be available Monday-Thursday from 3:10-4:00 PM and Fridays from 3:10-3:30. I can usually stay later if needed with advance notice.
Sue Wilson - English
Homework Policy (Eng I and World. Lit only)


  • One project, essay or test  may be revised with no penalty within one week of the assignment being returned per semester.
  • Students should resubmit through Google Classroom. 
  • No revisions on homework will be accepted.

Late Work

  • Students may turn in two late assignments per semester without a penalty.
  • All late assignments need to be turned in within one week of the due date.
  • Late assignments will be entered as Missing (M), and if it is not turned in within one week, the grade will be permanently changed to zero.
  • Late assignments will be graded as time permitsIf you do not want a 0 to negatively impact your grade for any given time period, please submit it on time.
  • Any late assignments beyond the first two will remain a zero (0%).
  • There is a paper to fill out in the classroom to submit late work. If the form is not filled out, the late work will not be graded.
  • This form can be found in the black trays on the counter where student work is submitted.
Mid-Term and End of Quarter Cut-off
  • Any assignment that is assigned within one week of the mid-term or end of quarter grades will be placed on the following grading period (After mid-terms or during the next quarter). 
  • Any assignment that is not submitted before the week of midterms will not be included in the midterm grade. 
  • Assignments submitted after the Friday midterm date will not be included in the midterm grade. 
  • Midterm grades are usually due the Tuesday after midterms; however, the actual cut-off for midterm grades is the Friday prior to the Tuesday due date. 
The timeline below is an example: 
Friday: Any late assignments must be submitted to be added to the midterm grade; these will be added for the midterm checkpoint. 
Monday: Any new assignments will be added to the next half of the term or next quarter. Any late assignments turned in this week will NOT be entered for the midterm check-point. 
Friday: Midterm Check-Point
Tuesday: Midterm Grades are Released
College Now Courses: Speech, Academic writing
Essays and outlines will not be given complete feedback within 48-hours of the due date. After the 48-hour cutoff, you can still get targeted feedback on specific sections of your essay. If you want feedback on your entire essay or outline, please plan ahead. 

Students have access to the SMSU writing center. Please register for an account and plan to submit any written assignments there for review prior to turning them in. Additionally, students are expected to find sources using academic databases, which can be accessed through SMSU's Library, or through All sources should be academic in nature, reviewed for reliability, and published within the given time-frame (generally, five years). 

Late/Incomplete Work
No assignments will be accepted late.  

Individual exceptions may be considered if students contact me no less than 48 hours prior to the due date. Extensions are only applicable to the student requesting the extension. Extensions are not universal unless told otherwise.  Not completing any of the major course assignments results in failure of the course. Absence from class does not preclude you from due dates, nor do computer problems. Be prepared; keep copies of work in multiple locations.