Name ____________________________________________________________

4th Grade


Directions:  Student should complete ONE (1) choice from EACH column or subject.    Circle or color the choices you completed.

*Parents must sign the bottom of this paper to vouch that the work is completed and return this paper to school for credit of your SNOW Work.


Word Work



Character Building

Phy. Ed.

Music / Art

Go to for 10 minutes


Read 20 minutes

Get a green light on reflex


Vacuum the living room or bedroom

Play in the snow for 15 minutes

Make up a new song

Write your spelling words 4 times

Study Island – ELA

        (Earn 2 ribbons)


Complete a math paper

Dust the living room or the bedroom

20 jumping jacks then spend 10 minutes stretching

Dance to 2 songs

Spell out your spelling words using playdough

Turn out the lights and read a “Good Fit” book by flashlight

Study Island – Math

        (Earn 2 ribbons)


Pick up toys

20 sit-ups

20 toe-touches

20 mountain climbers

Make up a new song or a dance

Make up chants or rhymes to your spelling words

IXL – Language

        (Earn 2 ribbons)

IXL – Math

        (Earn 2 ribbons)

Feed or walk a pet

Run in place for 3 minutes,

rest for 1 minute,

then run in place for 3 minutes

Create a musical instrument or Practice your recorder for 10 minutes

Write your spelling words using fancy letters

List 10 ways you can be kind to someone

Write a word problem and bring it to class

Play a board game




Build a snowman or make 3 snow angels


Draw a picture of our snow day

Complete a word search

Write a short summary about the main character in a book

Practice skip counting by  2, 3, 5, and 10 from 0 t0 100

Call and visit with a grandparent or elder person

Shovel snow for 15 minutes.


Draw and color a picture – no white spaces


_______________________________            ______________

                                   Parent’s or Guardian’s Signature                                                          Date